Hi you, and thanks for looking into my site!

I'm Mattias, a guy in my best time. It started 31 years ago, when I grew up at the countryside in southern Sweden. So my first career was a farmer, taking care of pigs, chickens, horses, cows, cheeps and a little running sister. Now, I've grown up a bit and enjoy the bavarian lifestyle in Munich, Germany (the best place to be for Beer, German women and Octoberfestsongs). When I have some spare time, I go skiing or boarding with some of my cool friends, or in summer even trekking to one of the unvisited Breweries or biergardens in Bavaria. Summertime is beachtime and sunbathing, then I must travel north to the southern scandinavia for relaxing in the most wonderful sanddunes with the best food ever (My Mams, but of course you have to bring the beer from Bavaria).

Some Memories of my life:

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See you somethere someday!